Well done on making it through 2020! For most of us, it has been a tough and trying year, so I want to congratulate you for pushing through and making it here.
Around this time last year, I decided to read the Bible in a Year – facilitated by the Bible Recap. It was a chronological Bible plan accompanied by a 6-10 minute podcast that summarised the reading for the day. Throughout the plan, there was a focus on learning the truth about God’s character. Every day when I read more of His word, I got to know Him more and he gave me the strength to love Him more.
Now that the year is over and I have finished reading through the Bible, I can see a clear difference in my life and relationship with Christ. From this experience came a burden to create this community – a space where we can all meet twice a month to discuss what we will learn from the Bible, ask challenging questions and pray that God will continue to reveal Himself through His word.
To get started, all you need to do is get the plan on the YouVersion Bible App – you can also get a PDF on the plan here. Each daily reading will be followed by the Bible Recap podcast which can be found on most podcast platforms — I personally use Spotify. All the resources and information you need to start are here.
Based on everyone’s availability, our first meeting will be on Sunday the 3rd of January at 8 PM GMT on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 711 164 6515
Passcode: 00000
In addition to our meetings, I will be checking on you intermittently via e-mail to see how you are getting on and share any thoughts to ponder on.
I pray God will reveal himself to you in a deep and personal way throughout this journey. We are all in this together and I am so excited to be on this journey with you!
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10