An Evolution of Self Love

12th October, 2017.


I’m not there yet. I don’t love myself yet, but I want to and I think wanting to is the most enlightening aspect of the journey towards attaining self-love. Through wanting it, I have become evaluative to my ‘self’, I have also learnt and acquired the very critical skill of self- awareness. I think it is important to constantly criticise one’s actions, in a constructive manner of-course. The need to do this shouldn’t be seasonal or because it appears to be the ‘right thing to do’; it should instead be an instinctive and reflexive action, one which is innate to your current state of being.


16th May, 2018


I not only love myself, but I love others too. I love myself because I now have the Holy-Spirit living inside of me and He has given me the ability to see myself the same way God sees me. I feel the most beautiful I have ever felt in my life not because I got prettier but because my soul has been granted the ability to discern the true meaning of beauty. I respect myself, because I have been clothed by strength and dignity through God himself (Proverbs 31 vs 25).


The honest and summarised truth is that I have come to really love myself because I now believe ALL the  things that the Bible says about me. 

 I encourage you all to do the same.



I truthfully wrote the first portion of this post on the date stated above