Heyy GUYS,
Demi here.
I know, I know, why make such a big deal about being 2 years old right?
Well, honestly, it’s not really about the number 2. It’s the fact that a 24 month period has passed and my first love is still Jesus. I get asked a lot how and why I’m so passionate about Jesus and the answer would always be because He’s wired me this way. Sometime last year, I sat on the floor of a hotel in St Johns Wood and cried to Jesus, asking Him why I’m the way I am. What I heard in response was profound; ‘ Your love for me is supernatural, I’ve created you to love me fiercely, and this your greatest gift. It is also what you will use to draw men and women to my kingdom’.
When I say I’m celebrating Skinneeds 2nd year anniversary, what I’m really rejoicing over is 2 years of being head over heels in love with Jesus Christ. Nothing else is worth celebrating as much as this is..
My heart is full because I’ve watched Jesus do incredible things in people’s lives because a young and unassuming girl like me was foolish (but really wise, 1 Corinthians 1:27) enough to trust Him. This community has grown into a safe space for young girls and guys to build on the strongest foundation that is Christ. So many friendships and forever bonds have been formed through Skinneeds (Shout out to the best team in the world; Tars, Steph & Uzi). It was also through this community that I found my footing in the world and discovered and developed my gifts and talents.
On another day, I’ll take you further down memory lane; but today I have some exciting news!
We’re doing it again, another 3 days fast. When God led me to do this last year, I had no idea it would fall on our 1 year anniversary. Of course, now it’s clear that this will likely be a yearly practice to commemorate the birth of this movement.
Sooo, the question is, are you going to join us?
We’re starting the fast on Wednesday the 14th (the day of our anniversary) and ending it on Friday the 16th. The truth is, I can’t and never really had the intention of persuading anyone to join this fast. It’s a decision you’ll have to make with Jesus. I do want to encourage you not to dismiss this invitation; think about it and ponder on God’s instruction to you towards observing this sacrifice.
My genuine desire is that either way, we will all make the decision to say Yes to Jesus, whether that is through fasting or observing other spiritual disciplines. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with Mazinos fasting guide. This should help you prepare for the days ahead. You could also come on revival hour tomorrow to fellowship with a few community members that have decided to do the fast.
Finally, If you’d like to receive daily encouragement emails and resources directly to your inbox during the fast, please fill out the very short form below.
Love always,
Demi Osunsina